My 3rd book in the series: "Immortal Relations Coming Out" is on sale for 99 cents 15-21 April (click on http:// link to read a few pages for free). Political thriller - not for those who love the current Marxist Administration in Washington D.C.
My 2nd book: "Immortal Relations, Love and War" will be on sale for 99 cents 28 April - 4 May (click on http:// link above to read a few pages for free). I call this book, "Action on Steroids," terrorist acts, invasion by Red China of Russia, etc.
My 1st book: "Immortal Realations" will be FREE 1-5 May, but this is for ADULTS as it has what I call "explicit togetherness" (sex). Not to be salacious but to show that the guardian vampires while protecting humans don't have their hang-ups. If you are an open-minded, mature adult you can read some of it and decide if you want it. If you prefer NOT to have explicit material in your reading, start with the second book in the series as it has a conversation that reviews high-points of book one w/o the explicit stuff..