Sunday, February 9, 2014

Update on Accessing the Three Novels in the "Immortal Relations" Series.

"Immortal Relations" is the first book in my Adult Paranormal Romance Series. I felt compelled to write it upon finding that what my mother had said those many, many years before about my late father having had a "Tryst" while he was overseas was true. Unable to sleep that evening I went to my computer and typed out what entered my consciousness, or was I channeling from another source as it seemed since I've never typed at that speed before. Without sleep, 18 hours later I had a rather rough draft. When I went through and picked out typos (at the speed I was going there were bound to be some) I could change those, but when I tried to down-play some of the "explicit togetherness" (sex) it didn't seem right to do so. It felt as if a force was telling me that vampires (if real) would not subscribe to the sexual hang-ups of humans so I should refrain from showing them as being tied to human mores. If you will go to the above Amazon & Kindle site you can read  the first pages FREE to see for yourself, as what happened to me is incorporated into the start of the story. My vampires in the large Residency Coven are guardians of their human neighbors against evil vampires, human criminals and politicians who would subjugate the public they should be serving. There are many life lessons and other positive actions, such as being kind to animals in the story. Okay, so now that begs the question, how do they get the blood they require (those who do require it)? They have a number of corporations, one of which owns multiple funeral homes and by funerary laws, blood from deceased humans must be mechanically removed and replaced with a liquid preservative. While other authors have had their "good" vampires using blood bags or willing human donors, or in the case of the "Twilight Series" by attacking animals, I have been told I am the first to have vampires using processed blood from deceased humans. The story is mainly about combat between the good vampires and an evil band of vampires seeking vengeance against the Residency Coven. Action starts in the United States but quickly moves to the Czech Republic, England and the Russian Federation. I know there are some men who feel "Romance" novels are not for them; however, if they read this first book I know it will change their minds!

The second book, "Immortal Relations, Love and War" has as much action in it as any Tom Clancy novel, while the level of explicitness is much less. As there is a conversation early in the book which goes over the most important action in the first book, this would be a good entry into the series for those who aren't interested in reading novels with much "heat" level. I still consider this an Adult book as there is warfare and political assassination that takes place. The action involves stopping a war between China and the Russian Federation before it turns into a nuclear exchange threatening the whole world as well as resolving two "REAL WORLD" ecological threats: the failure of the cap over the Chernobyl reactor that melted down 25 years ago and the unstable reactor building at Fukushima, Japan which some scientists warn my be an Extinction Level Event should it be allowed to collapse (to date nothing has been done to solve either crisis). This book has action involving various European countries, with heavy action in Russian Siberia, China and Japan.

The third book, "Immortal Relations Coming Out" continues the actions of the second novel. Had the current regime in Washington been aware of the planned Chinese invasion of Siberia and if so, were they knowing accomplices in that act? If so, how would they respond if they could identify the person or persons who helped defeat their Marxist allies? Would they be willing to attack those who kept the Chinese Communists from winning, even at the possible expense of the destruction of the entire planet? Find out in this story of conspiracy and intrigue! Action takes place in the Czech Republic, Canada, the United States and in outer-space. 

For those who have read and enjoyed reading any of the series, if they will leave a comment on Amazon or Kindle about the book I will gladly send them the next in the series via Kindle if they will contact me with the Subject Heading: I Enjoyed Reading "Immortal Relation" and have left a comment on Amazon/Kindle." Happy Reading! 

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