Tuesday, December 2, 2014


From December 7 (8 AM PST) until December 14 (Noon PST) Each of the three digital novels in my "Immortal Relations" series will be on sale for $.99 (a savings of over $2.00 for each book). Read what readers have said about the first and second books (I still want someone to comment on #3):

Read Richard Rasmussen's comment about the first book, http://amzn.com/B006ZCBT6G :

"Being a bit of a vampire-phile, I find myself constantly searching for the next vampire series to reach out and grab, or, more appropriately, bite me. I believe I have found my holy grail of vampire novels. You see, the Vlad books are typically a bit gory for my tastes, while the Twilight series is campy, sophomoric, and I feel, is most appealing to teenage girls. Mr. Ogan has delivered a tale at breakneck speed, one that jumps out of the starting gate and never loses steam. A tale filled with life lessons, love, sex, action and adventure. Complete with new insights into the powers of the immortal vamps, and fresh takes on the complex inner workings of their existence. From page 1 until the very end, Immortal Relations promises to have you on the edge of your seat and begging for more..."

This comment is about my second book in the series, “Immortal Relations, Love and War” and was left on my BlogSpot http://immortalrelations.blogspot.com/ by Nancy Bell:

"Immortal Relations is NOT just another vampire story! An unusual blend of vampire fantasy, world politics, and political statement in defense of human civil freedoms, this book is a quick read that takes you through the story as a voyeur of one man's extraordinary imagination. You will not predict the outcome of this story, nor do you want to, as you sit back and let the story unfold insights into human nature, vampire nature, and the unusual relationship between the two. Looking forward to reading book three as the crescendo of poetic license plays itself out on a global scale. Thanks to Guy Ogan for an enjoyable read!"

I still need a comment left for the third book, "Immortal Relations Coming Out" I hope you will be the one to provide it!
Buy Link: http://amzn.com/B00G5BQS18 Come on, don't be shy!

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